New Bedford Family Startup Aims To Revolutionize 3D Printer Prototyping | WBZ NewsRadio 1030

2022-09-16 20:23:16 By : Ms. Jojo Hou

Photo: Kim Tunnicliffe / WBZ NewsRadio

NEW BEDFORD, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — A family in New Bedford is looking to make an imprint on the 3D printing scene with their business "ProtoXYZ," launched last year. With a collective background in computer science, consumer electronic devices, product development, and more, the New Bedford business is aiming to become a leader in the prototyping industry using Industry 4.0 technology.

Mike, Nathaniel, and Jordan Fernandes showed WBZ's Kim Tunnicliffe a Computer Numerical Control machine among ProtoXYZ's fleet of 3D printers. One of those printers, the Fernandes say, can make products and parts nearly as strong as metal. ProtoXYZ says that particular printer can lay continuous carbon fiber into the parts, reinforcing them similar to concrete and rebar.

In 2020, 23-year-old Nathaniel and 20-year-old Jordan Fernandes went to their father Mike with the idea of creating a company that could help engineers and manufacturing companies take their ideas on paper and turn them into prototypes. The brothers both graduated from Northeastern University with engineering degrees.

Mike says the company has about 40 clients right now, including some defense department contracts.

"My sons at their age, I don't know if I'd be doing what they're doing so I have to remind them to go have fun. Then they remind me that they are having fun," Mike said.

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The startup is growing fast, inspiring the Fernandes to begin looking towards hiring more employees, especially those with technical talent and skills with machinery.

WBZ's Kim Tunnicliffe (@KimWBZ) reports.

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