Meze Audio announces the 109 PRO, its first dynamic open-back headphone

2022-09-16 20:22:15 By : yu zhou

Alex Hernandez | September 16, 2022September 16, 2022 Audio, Tech

Meze Audio is a brand we’ve heard about before, and we’ve only reviewed a pair of their earbuds once. That review was done five years ago, and we haven’t heard from the company since. Now, it looks like Meze Audio has grown into a serious audio company as it launches the 109 PRO headphones.

These are the company’s first dynamic open-back headphones and are priced at US$799. The company says the 109 PROs rise to the brand’s highest comfort, design, and audio reproduction. Here’s a bulleted overview of what you can expect from the Meze Audio 109 PRO.

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