Stay cool with these fresh picks.
Summer is officially here: June 21st traditionally marks the start to the season of fun and sun, and the best time to get outside. Whether you're into glamping, backpacking or anything in between, we've got the best new outdoor gear for you to test out.
We've rounded up recently released tents, power banks, camping chairs, electric bikes and more. Now, all you need to do is choose your favorites and get out there.
Having an ice-cold beverage on hand – at all times – during the summer is ideal, but carrying around a bulky cooler is, well, less so. Thankfully, the ICEMULE PRO 23L Realtree Wave has been designed specifically to free up your hands while you're walking, hiking or trekking to the beach. Ergonomically designed to be carried on your back like a comfortable, premium backpack, the Pro 23L remains secure and buttoned-up. In fact, that's kind of ICEMULE's thing: from the single backpack sling strap on its Classics coolers to the double padded backpack straps and dual-zone suspension system on the ICEMULE BOSS®, no coolers are easier to carry. Durable, spacious and highly portable, this hands-free cooler is a necessity for your summer.
This summer, Tentsile is introducing a new tree tent and hammock, both made from recycled ocean plastic. The Ocean UNA Tent is a prime example of blending outdoor recreation and environmental responsibility: the one-person tent is the world's first tree tent made from reclaimed ocean plastic. It's 5.1 pounds, comes with an external underfloor storage and internal mesh pockets and features undyed fabric, which involves 70 percent less water in the production process and zero chemical dyes. The new eco-minded tent uses 128 recycled plastic bottles taken from the Western Pacific Ocean.
Designed specifically for a woman's physiology, this new suspension system from Kuiu was created to support a heavy haul. The Women's Pro Suspension System pairs with the brand's Carbon Fiber Frame, and a PRO and PRO LT Hunting Pack systems, and features optimized shoulder straps and a waist belt that distributes weight evenly across your shoulders, back and waist. The system weighs less than two pounds and is available now.
State Bicycle Co. is officially getting into the e-bike game. The all-new State Bicycle 6061 eBike Commuter is affordable at $1,499, and it's designed to be your daily driver, whether that's to work, school or running errands around town. The single-speed drivetrain keeps maintenance to a minimum, and a Class 1 LG-powered motor (with up to 100 miles of range per charge) powers the aluminum frame. If you want a low-barrier entry point into e-bikes, this is it.
Want a cool new helmet to go with your brand-new State e-bike? Check out this new release from Fend. The Super is the ideal commuter helmet: after you're done riding, fold it up and stash it away. It's got integrated front and tail lights, 12 airflow vents and folds down to 50-percent of its size. The Super has 52 days left on its Kickstarter project; pledge $69 or more now, and you'll get one helmet at 30 percent off, with a delivery date of December 2022.
Coleman's new Peak1 collection is built with a focus on premium, and it includes a line of tents built with lightweight aluminum poles that are easier to pack in and out and can withstand harsher weather conditions. The Peak1 2-Person Backpacking Tent uses the brand's WeatherTec system to repel wind and rain, and reflective logos and guylines make it easy to navigate camp at night. The tent weighs in at 4 pounds, 15.4 ounces.
To celebrate Spring/Summer 2022, Carhartt WIP has once again partnered with Helinox on a three-piece camp collaboration, including the Tactical Sunset Chair. The high back offers increased support, while the iconic Helinox aluminum frame construction and polyester fabric maintain durability. This year's collab utilizes Carhartt WIP’s Camo Tide print for a mix of tradition and innovation. Additional features include a a mesh side pocket and pillow holder.
Influenced by vintage apothecary design, this new power bank mixes elevated style with enough juice to get you through a weekend of camping. Made to power Barebones Lights, Lanterns and Portable Fans, this little power bank has an 3.6V, 10,000 mAh 36Wh capacity and includes an LED flashlight, USB-A and USB-C output and USB-C charging cable. Featuring a mixed-metal design and matte neutral coloring, the Power Bank was designed with glamping in mind. At less than one hundred bucks, it's an easy add to any camp setup.
You know the drill: two rad outdoor companies come together, create a product that brings together the best both have to offer and we shop for it. The tradition of collaboration lives on in the new Huckberry x Chaco Z/1, which uses the mighty Tarpon as its inspiration. The collab version of the all-terrain sandals is unique thanks to the one-of-a-kind print, but it doesn't sacrifice any of the Chaco performance we know and love.